Monday 31 December 2012

How MiGym plans to quantify the health club workout ? Mobile ...

Chicago app developer MiGym is giving health clubs an app store presence, but it has bigger plans. It hopes to make the gym a critical element in the quantified self, tracking members? workout data and sharing that information with fitness and health platforms.

The new year is just a few days away, which means New Year?s resolutions are just about to kick in. A lot of people (myself included) have committed to getting in shape, but for many (again myself included) that resolution doesn?t get much further than signing up for a gym membership and a few perfunctory workouts before those grand fitness plans fall to the wayside.

A Chicago-based startup called MiGym, however, wants to weave a tighter-knit relationship between the gym and its customers, benefiting active exercisers and the less motivated alike. It?s developed a smartphone app platform used by health clubs across the country. The app doesn?t just create a smartphone presence for a gym, it seeks to engage its members more actively. It uses social networking to connect members with similar sporting interests and exercise regimes, and it allows them to view, book and manage classes.

MiGym appGeorge Monical, who heads up the MiGym division of Chicago app development shop Solstice Mobile, said he has even bigger ambitions for the app. Soon MiGym?s dozens of national and regional health club chains will be able to start tracking workout data. MiGym is tapping into APIs offered by gym equipment makers like Life Fitness and exploring ways of quantifying the health benefits of more traditional workouts from aerobics classes to free weights ? tying them all into a single unified workout tracking tool.

It?s a neat idea, but not one that?s very useful if all of that info is trapped inside your gym app ? it would become just one more disparate repository of health information. But Monical said MiGym believes strongly in the concept of the quantified self (subscription required), and it aims to incorporate its apps into the overall fitness data ecosystem, Monical said. In addition to working with Life Fitness, its tapping into the APIs of Fitbit (see disclosure) and Runkeeper as well as any source of open health data it can get its hands on.

The idea is that MiGym will accept information for its own app and share it with other apps, Monical said. So if you take a three-mile run in the park tracked by an external app or device, those steps run and calories will be included in MiGym?s meters. Conversely, any data taken from the gym, whether it?s scooped directly out of an elliptical trainer or approximated from a kickboxing class, could be funneled into any outside fitness portal, Monical said.

Eventually, MiGym wants to explore direct partnerships with the healthcare industry, transmitting information to your doctor or ? with permission ? to your insurer. If State Farm and Allstate can track use machine-to-machine technology to track your real driving behavior and consequently reward safe drivers with lower premiums, Monical asked, why can?t health insurers do the same thing, granting lower rates to people who keep in shape?

Disclosure: Fitbit is backed by True Ventures, a venture capital firm that is an investor in the parent company of this blog, Giga Omni Media. Om Malik, founder of Giga Omni Media, is also a venture partner at True.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock user Kzenon


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Sunday 30 December 2012

ConsumerBase Adds New International Mailing Lists to Extensive ...

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Evanston, IL, December 30, 2012 ?( ConsumerBase LLC, a multi-channel mailing list provider located in Evanston, IL, has updated its international business-to-business and business-to-consumer data in its comprehensive mailing list website recently. ConsumerBase?s international B2B and B2C files provide email, telephone and postal data for marketing campaign usage.

International mailing lists provide direct marketing professionals with access to valuable firmographic data. Marketers seeking to target businesses and executives throughout the world in a multitude of businesses rely on quality data with accurate information.

These lists may be further refined with consumer demographic and geographic selects to learn more about the targeted population. frequently updates its data to provide accurate and current list offerings to clients and leads the industry in quality data.

?ConsumerBase consistently provides the highest quality business and consumer lists currently available on the market,? says Larry Organ, CEO of ConsumerBase. ?Frequent data hygienes ensure our data is top-notch.?

International mailing lists include:

International Businesses
International Frequent Flyers
European International Email Address Database

ConsumerBase provides multi-channel direct marketing services with a specialty in postal, email, and telephone solutions. Encompassing the entire lifecycle of customer information, ConsumerBase services focus on acquiring and retaining customers, validating, cleaning, and enhancing customer data, and improving the overall performance of marketing communications.

ConsumerBase is an Evanston-based multi-channel mailing list company. The company was founded in 2001 and is based in Evanston, Illinois. ConsumerBase operates as a subsidiary of Organ Worldwide LLC.

Kathryn Fallucco, Media Editor
ConsumerBase LLC

Contact Information:
ConsumerBase LLC
Kathryn Fallucco
Contact via Email

Click here to read the full story: ConsumerBase Adds New International Mailing Lists to Extensive Database

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Director, Arabic and Translation Studies Division, School of -

Vacancies in this network: Translators, Revisers, Editors, etc.

Actualit?s, informations, colloques, s?minaires, Groupement pour les Droits des Minorit?s :: GDM

Le pr?sident Hollande doit tenir ses promesses de campagne. La situation actuelle n'encourage gu?re ? l'optimisme.

le temps est venu d?un statut des langues et cultures de France
La crise ?conomique que nous vivons ne doit pas ?tre un pr?texte pour ne pas intervenir ?nergiquement dans le domaine de la culture. Tout au contraire : c?est dans l?adversit? qu?il faut mobiliser l?imagination et une r?flexion lucide.
La crise ?conomique a eu un effet positif : elle a montr? avec violence qu?une nation, la Gr?ce, l?Espagne, n??tait pas en mesure d?en sortir dans l?intervention d?une solidarit? europ?enne minimale. La France comme l?Allemagne, ne nous y trompons pas, n?est pas en mesure d?affronter les d?fis de la finance mondiale. Une solution f?d?rale s?impose et plus t?t on y parviendra, mieux ce sera !
Cet avenir dessine une Europe multiculturelle, fond?e sur un projet de soci?t? audacieux. Dans une ?poque de r?gressions induites par la crise, de retour des nationalismes, de racisme, de x?nophobie, il est tentant, pour les politiques, de surfer sur un populisme renforc?. On le constate ? droite. On le constate, h?las, aussi ? gauche. En France, en Italie, en Gr?ce? L?avenir n?est pas dans cette direction. Nous ne b?tirons une Europe forte capable d?affronter les nouvelles puissances qui vont dominer le XXIe si?cle, de la Chine et de l?Inde aux ?tats-Unis, qu?en recr?ant un espace ?conomique, mais aussi culturel et soci?tal qui sera l?Europe enfin souveraine. Un tel projet europ?en renouera avec la civilisation europ?enne des Lumi?res avant que les nationalismes conqu?rants, de Napol?on ? Staline et Hitler, aient plong? nos peuples dans une sombre histoire de sang et de larmes. Un tel projet cr?era une soci?t? capable de vivre avec ses diff?rentes communaut?s. Communaut?s nationales certes ? mais lib?r?es des nationalismes qui pour ne plus ?tre capables d?aventures coloniales peuvent encore nous entra?ner dans des crispations ruineuses. Mais aussi communaut?s r?gionales, ethniques, linguistiques, religieuses. Daniel Cohn-Bendit et Guy Verhofstadt l?ont dit avec force : ? Le f?d?ralisme europ?en est bas? sur ces id?es : une autorit? publique supranationale et une soci?t? multilingue, multiculturelle et multiethnique ?.

Jiri Stejskal and Sue Ellen Wright co-author an article about ISO standards in the translation and localization industry.
Leyendo la deliciosa biograf?a titulada Tres maestros (Balzac, Dickens, Dostoievski), de Stefan Zweig, que m?s bien contrapone o al menos analiza las diferencias entre los tres escritores, me he da...

1. Qui avale une noix de coco fait confiance ? son anus.

2. Quiconque taquine un nid de gu?pe doit savoir courir.

3. Tant qu?on n?est pas sauv?, il ne faut pas demander pourquoi on est tomb? dans le puits.

4. La parole est une balle de fusil, on ne peut pas la rattraper si elle s??chappe.

5. L?erreur n?annule pas la valeur de l?effort accompli.

6. Qui est press? d?avoir un enfant ?pouse une femme enceinte.

7. Si vous nagez dans le bonheur, soyez prudent, restez l? o? vous avez pied.

8. Si tu regardes une image tr?s laide, v?rifies que ce ne soit pas ton reflet.

9. Tout a une fin, sauf la banane qui en a deux.

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Livros que est?o entre os mais vendidos e aparecem nas prateleiras do Pingo Doce ainda n?o tiveram as respetivas tradu??es pagas. Editoras de menor dimens?o n?o t?m atrasos.
This woman in China writes with either hand. Wait, let's be clearer about that: She writes with both hands. At the same time. In two different languages. In different directions. No,...
DIRECTOR, ARABIC AND TRANSLATION STUDIES DIVISION, SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATIONPosition:??Director,?Arabic and Translation Studies Division,?School of Continuing Education


The Director Provides leadership and technical direction for the design, delivery and management of high quality continuing educational offerings in response to market needs in the areas of Arabic language and translation instruction at SCE. The Director is also responsible for establishing divisional goals and strategies, promoting the reputation of the Division throughout AUC and the community, overseeing the activities of the division and staff and managing the divisional budget

Ayez le r?flexe SFT, le syndicat professionnel des m?tiers de la traduction Annuaire des traducteurs et interpr?tes ? Formation continue ? Conseil et accompagnement
Llegando al final del a?o, nos apetece hacer un peque?o balance de todo lo que hemos vivido en este periodo y compartirlo con nuestros lectores, clientes y amigos.
N?crologie : le professeur Maurice Tadadjeu n?est plus

Le professeur?Maurice Tadadjeu, n? en 1950, ?a succomb? ? un accident cardio vasculaire, avons-nous appris dimanche matin de sources autoris?es.

Maurice Tadadjeu ,?linguiste?de renomm? et panafricaniste ?engag? est un acteur majeur du d?veloppement du Cameroun. Il a beaucoup ?uvr? pour la promotion des langues nationales au Cameroun, et s??tait engag? ces dern?res ann?es ? lutter contre le ch?mage des jeunes en cr?ant successivement l?Institut Mgr Albert Ndongmo, pour la formation aux emplis techniques, et l?Institut d?Afrique Unie qui forme en m?decine et pharmacop?e d?une part et en langue nationale d?autre part.

??En plus, il avait mis en place la radio communautaire de la Menoua,?Radio Yemba, pour vulgariser la langue yemba et contribuer ? l??mergence de cette langue et de la culture de cette unit? linguistique.

Depuis 2009, une centaine de Tib?tains se sont immol?s par le feu. Certains ont laiss? des testaments d?fendant la langue tib?taine, devenue le dernier rempart de la r?sistance contre la domination chinoise.

?Best? ? now THAT?S a tricky word.?The Oxford Dictionary of English?gives the meaning of ?best? as ?of the most excellent or desirable type or quality? (was the author a?Bill & Ted?fan I wonder?), however, what makes something ?better? than something else depends on a whole bunch of usually unstated ? and often changeable ? criteria: the relative importance of which often depends on a number of other ? sometimes subjective ? factors. Take blog posts for example: which are the ?best?, or ?of the most excellent type or quality?, blog posts? The ones with the most page views? The ones with most comments? Maybe the ones with the most Tweets? Or perhaps it?s important to consider a number of such things? ?for the sake of simplicity, let?s just brush the issue under the carpet and go with the number of?Facebook??likes?:

Las universidades se niegan a imponer el catal?n para no frenar ?la entrada de talento?, sobre todo en sus m?steres
Sarah Ogilvie's study reveals the paradox of the English language ? an insular idiom that has spread around the world, writes Peter Conrad
?Do not sit high up on the ladder of abstraction.? That's what I?ve said often to young journalists in 2012. ?Emphasize specific detail.? And in reading
The translation of a single word can be a minefield, and a misstep can lead to disaster. Here are ten hard-to-translate concepts.
The second part of All India Administrative English to Chhattisgarhi dictionary published by Chhattisgarhi Rajbhasha Aayog was released by School edu...
The Inttranet?
The Inttranet? "Linguists of the Year" Awards recognise the struggle ? and sometimes the personal sacrifice ? of linguists who have helped increase public awareness of the importance of linguists and languages during the year.Contact infoOrganizationInttranetCityBihorel (France)URLhttp://www...THE TRANSLATION OF THIS PRESS RELEASE HAS BEEN SPONSORED BY?HTT

Founded in 1987, and one of the first to obtain ISO 9001 certification in France in 2001, High Technology Translators (HTT) provides a complete range of language services and solutions for international institutions and multinational corporations.

Kontax - Inttranet - Bihorel - France -?The Inttranet? "Linguists of the Year" Awards recognise the struggle ? and sometimes the personal sacrifice ? of linguists who have helped increase public awareness of the importance of linguists and languages during the year.
Les grandes organisations politiques et ?conomiques qui int?grent de nombreuses nations repr?sentent toujours un grand d?fi pour les professionnels de la

In 2013 a total of six grants will be awarded.

Residency hall for scholarship-holders of the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, Dresden-Hellerau

Four?scholarships, each for a six- to eight-week stay during the period from March through December 2013, are being offered. The scholarship includes a purse of 1500 Euros. The scholarship holder will also receive an additional allowance of 250 Euros for meals. Travel expenses will be borne by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony.


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Video: What are the chances that a "fiscal cliff" deal will pass? (cbsnews)

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Associations React to EPA Admin's Resignation

On Thursday, Lisa P. Jackson, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, announced that she would be leaving her post after President Barack Obama makes his State of the Union address in January. Here are some of the reactions from energy and environmental associations across the country to the news.

* "Administrator Jackson put into action the Obama administration's commitment to ethanol and other biofuels," stated Bob Dinneen, President and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, adding that Jackson's work with making E15 more available at the gas pump "protected the progress that has been made in reducing our dependence on foreign oil."

* Carol M. Browner, a former EPA administrator, former director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy and Distinguished Senior Fellow from the Center for American Progress, stated that Jackson had directed several successes at the EPA, including new standards for fuel efficiency, protections against mercury pollution and proposed standards to limit carbon pollution from new power plants.

* Michael Brune, the Sierra Club executive director, stated that he wanted to express gratitude to Jackson on behalf of the club's 2.1 million members and supporters. Brune called the administrator "a steadfast advocate for clean air, clean water, a stable climate and public health -- often in the face of very vocal and forceful detractors."

* The Charleston (W.Va.) Gazette reported that Bill Raney, president of the West Virginia Coal Association said that Jackson's resignation is good news for his state and that Jackson's policies are to blame for coal's decline in Appalachia.

* Raney stated in a report from the Bluefield (W.Va.) Daily Telegraph that he hopes Obama's new pick to lead the EPA will have respect for coal miners in the eastern United States and that "for the past four years, our coal miners have had no respectful recognition for all they have done to provide Americans with the quality of life we now enjoy."

* According to an Associated Press report , Scott Segal, the director of the Electric Reliability Coordinating Council, stated that Jackson's tenure featured some of the most expensive environmental rules in the agency's history and that those rules were used "as blunt attempts to marginalize coal and other solid fossil fuels and to make motor fuels more costly at the expense of industrial jobs, energy security, and economic recovery."

* Frank O'Donnell of Clean Air Watch stated that the news of Jackson's resignation had long been expected but that she would be missed by environmental and health advocates. According to O'Donnell, one of Jackson's most significant successes at the EPA was that she "reversed the findings of the Bush administration and declared that climate change poses a real threat to health and the environment."


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Saturday 29 December 2012

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The Social Gift-Giving Wars ? Which One Looked Best For The Holiday Season?

giftWith the holiday season upon us, let's take a look at some of the gift-giving services and how well they work, writes contributor Natasha Starkell. Facebook?s acquisition of Karma earlier this year must have caused quite a few sighs and fading hopes of the gift-giving websites, and Giftiki was even acquired by LaunchRock a couple of months ago. Yet Facebook Gifts differs from other gift services in how much freedom both the giver and recipient of the present have to select the from the gift options.


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Friday 28 December 2012

Why 2012 food health studies are making me sick | Opinionated ...

Why 2012 food health studies are making me sick

Coffee is now good for you. According to a research study, it may help prevent Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's, stroke and dementia as well as help you live a little longer. But java lovers know this: Another study says that drinking three or more cups of caffeinated coffee may be linked to a higher risk of glaucoma.

From a study announced last January involving school junk food to the most recent study that demonizes black licorice, 2012 has been a year rich in food health studies.

And while I don't drink coffee and don't concern myself much with the studies mentioned above, the results of a gluttony of other research studies have caused me to not only re-examine my own diet but to make me lose my appetite.

Last May, I learned that a study by German-Swiss researchers found that taking calcium supplements may increase heart attack risk by a whopping 86 percent. As one of the 44 million people who either have osteoporosis or who are at risk for the disease, you better believe I took notice.

Although my doctor ? a prominent bone specialist at the University of Chicago Medical Center ? isn't convinced the study is conclusive, he did advise me to stop popping calcium pills and get my daily dose of calcium from food ? all 1,200 milligrams.

Sounds simple enough. It isn't. Dairy foods are the obvious go-to calcium choice. Of course, I'd prefer to load up on the stuff by chowing down on pizza and ice cream, but, alas, they're both high in saturated fat and come with the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Instead, I've been gulping down so much skim milk, along with other nonfat and low-fat dairy products, I should have my own personal cow. I also ladle plain yogurt on my, yes, salad. But when I can't stomach another spoonful, I gobble up other calcium-dense foods.

Think canned salmon ? with the bones (183 milligrams per serving). Or canned sardines (325 milligrams). Or turnip greens (128 milligrams). How can I describe my average dinner meal? Publican or Slurping Turtle or even McDonald's, it's not.

And just when I'm starting to settle into this mainly white diet, the results of another study sucker-punches me in the abdomen. Rice and rice products, according to a Consumer Reports?investigation, contain potentially dangerous levels of arsenic.

Samples of brown rice were found to contain more arsenic than white rice. And rice grown in the South had more arsenic than rice grown in California, India or Thailand.

But that's not the worst news. Recently a study ? from Mayo Clinic, no less ? found that a diet high in carbohydrates and sugar is associated with dementia and that eating more protein and fat may offer some protection.

Confession: I'm a longtime lover of desserts. If you need proof, just check out my other blog, Sugar Buzz Chicago. Over the years, I have been known to laugh smugly at anyone on Atkins and other low-carb diets. I'm not laughing anymore.

Still, these three studies are leaving me with a buffet of more questions than answers: Can ingesting mass quantities of dairy products ? even nonfat or low-fat ones, lead to dreaded diseases such as cancer?

Should I swap more nutritious brown rice for white rice or should I just give up the grain cold turkey?

Are just simple carbohydrates bad, or are complex carbohydrates now a no-no too?

And the most important question of all: Would someone please tell me definitively what I should eat or, well, just SHUT UP?

The results of these food health studies are very hard to swallow ? even though I've been trying to. And every other day there's another study, leaving me to pick and choose from a menu of sometimes contradictory and confusing information.

I'm willing to bet that if researchers did a study of people who hear about food health studies, they'd discover a population more likely to have anorexia, bulimia, insomnia, depression and general anxiety.

But just when I was about go on a food study fast, along comes an article from the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine that says that the higher a country's chocolate consumption, the more Nobel laureates it produces per capita.

One of the findings of the author, Dr. Franz Messerli of St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital and Columbia University in New York, is that Switzerland, which has led in chocolate consumption, also leads the pack in Nobel Prize winners. Finally, information I could eat right up.

Pass the M&M's.


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'Vanishing Act' by photographer Art Wolfe ? Nature | News | Design ...


These animals are trying their utmost to fool predators by blending into landscapes all over the world.
Pictures were taken by photographer Art Wolfe over a period of 35 years, for his work ?Vanishing Act?.

Can you spot them??


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Japanese Macaques

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Horned Owl

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Horned adder

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Ground Squirrel

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Gray Owl

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American Pika

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About the Author


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Strictly Ballroom's New Year's Eve Masquerade Ball ...

Thursday 27 December 2012

Secret files lift lid on Thatcher-Reagan Falklands contacts

LONDON (Reuters) - Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher wrote an emotional letter to U.S. President Ronald Reagan during the 1982 Falklands War calling him the "only person" who could understand her position, formerly secret documents showed on Friday.

Newly declassified files from 1982 lift the lid on contacts between the two leaders over the crisis and reveal the extent of the pressure Thatcher felt she was under when Argentina invaded the remote South Atlantic archipelago to reclaim what it said was its sovereign territory, triggering a 10-week war.

In one file, the tough, outspoken Thatcher called the build-up to the Argentine invasion the "worst, I think of my life", while letters to Reagan from the time show her reliance on the U.S. president and their close working relationship.

"I am writing to you separately because I think you are the only person who will understand the significance of what I am trying to say," Thatcher told Reagan in one letter, saying the principles of democracy, liberty and justice were at stake.

Britain held its breath when Thatcher dispatched a naval task force to the British-ruled Falkland islands following the Argentine invasion. Despite losing several warships, the British eventually reclaimed the South Atlantic islands 74 days later. Some 649 Argentines and 255 British troops were killed.

Elsewhere, the files show that Thatcher stressed the special relationship between the two countries as she requested Reagan's help in a letter signed off with "Warm personal regards, Margaret".

"I also believe that the friendship between the United States and Britain matters very much to the future of the free world," she wrote.

The files provide a unique perspective on the first and only female British prime minister's personal feelings as she waged war against Argentina, contemporary records specialist Simon Demissie told Reuters.

"You really hear how personally strained she was, how surprised she was. Her voice really comes through - her sense of shock that she would have to send forces to the other side of the world," Demissie said.

"We get a sense that she is as decisive as ever and that is something which really appealed to the military officials close to her," Demissie said in reference to minutes from the War Cabinet meetings ahead of the crisis, which were also released on Friday.


Secret for 30 years, the files reveal Thatcher's political manoeuvring during other events in 1982, including the Iran-Iraq war, the imposition of military rule in Poland and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

They also show that British attitudes to its U.S. ally were less deferential than the prime minister's letters to Reagan suggest.

In a transcript of a telephone conversation between Thatcher and her foreign minister, the prime minister criticised Reagan's communication style, describing a message from the president as "so vague I didn't think it was worth reading when it came in at half-eleven last night".

In another file, she noted "the US just does not realise the resentment she is causing in the Middle East", while a Foreign Office briefing on Reagan described the actor-turned-politician as "knowing much less than he seems to".

However, one document showed how deeply indebted British officials felt to the United States for its "clandestine help" during the Falklands war; help that the United States was anxious be kept secret.

"The US have made it clear that they do not wish to reveal publicly the extent of the help with which they are providing us. They are very much worried about the effects on their relations with South America. We must accept this as a fact of life," a Ministry of Defence letter said.

The United States assisted Britain with intelligence and communications facilities as well as with military equipment such as munitions, the document said, confirming information already in the public domain.

Emblazoned with the words SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL, many of the 6,000 declassified files will prove a treasure trove for history students keen on ferreting out hitherto unknown details of the major political events of 1982, said records specialist Demissie.

"Everything comes out in the end," he said.

(Reporting By Alessandra Prentice; Editing by Andrew Osborn)


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Blades and clades: Why some grasses got better photosynthesis

Dec. 24, 2012 ? Even on the evolutionary time scale of tens of millions of years there is such a thing as being in the right shape at the right time. An anatomical difference in the ability to seize the moment, according to a study led by Brown University biologists, explains why more species in one broad group, or clade, of grasses evolved a more efficient means of photosynthesis than species in another clade did.

Their findings appear this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Biologists refer to the grasses that have evolved this better means of making their food in warm, sunny and dry conditions with the designation "C4." Grasses without that trait are labeled "C3."

What scientists had already known is that while all of the grasses in the BEP and PACMAD clades have the basic metabolic infrastructure to become C4 grasses, the species that have actually done so are entirely in the PACMAD clade. A four-nation group of scientists wondered why that disparity exists.

To find out, Brown postdoctoral researcher and lead author Pascal-Antoine Christin spent two years closely examining the cellular anatomy of 157 living species of BEP and PACMAD grasses. Using genetic data the team also organized the species into their evolutionary tree, which they then used to infer the anatomical traits of ancestral grasses that no longer exist today, a common analytical technique known as ancestral state reconstruction. That allowed them to consider how anatomical differences likely evolved among species over time.

Paradoxically, to understand C4 evolution, the researchers focused on the anatomy of C3 grasses in each clade.

In general what they found was that in the leaves of many PACMAD C3 grasses the veins were closer together, and that the veins themselves were surrounded by larger cells ("bundle sheath" cells) than in BEP C3 grasses. Ultimately PACMAD grasses had a higher ratio of bundle sheath cells to mesophyll cells (cells that fill in the area between veins).

In C4 plants, such an anatomical arrangement facilitates a more efficient transfer and processing of CO2 in the bundle sheath cells when CO2 is in relatively short supply. When temperatures get hot or plants become stressed, they stop taking in as much CO2, creating just such a shortage within the leaf.

So PACMADs as a group had developed an anatomical predisposition to C4 photosynthesis that BEP grasses didn't, said senior author Erika Edwards, an assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Brown.

"We found that consistently these PACMAD C3s are very different anatomically than the C3 BEPs," she said. "We think that was the evolutionary stepping stone to C4-like physiology."

When the new leaves turned over

It didn't used to be this way. Back around 60 or so million years ago, BEP and PACMAD grasses were more similar and both headed in the same direction. The distance between the leaf veins in both clades had been growing closer together. But then they started to diverge in a key way. The bundle sheath cells surrounding the veins in BEP grasses started to shrink down while those in PACMAD grasses stayed larger.

For a long time the climate didn't particularly punish or reward either of those directions. But then climate changed, and opportunity knocked, Edwards said. Only PACMAD was near the proverbial door.

"When atmospheric CO2 decreased tens of millions of years after the split of the BEP and PACMAD clades, a combination of shorter [distances between veins] and large [sheath] cells existed only in members of the PACMAD clade, limiting C4 evolution to this lineage," Christin and co-authors wrote in the paper.

The researchers also found that evolution among C4 grasses was anatomically nuanced. Some C4 grasses evolved because of advantageous changes in outer sheath cells, while others saw the improvement in inner sheath cells.

Ultimately, Edwards said, studies like this one show that plant biologists have made important progress in understanding the big picture of when and where important plant traits evolved. That could lead to further advances in both basic science, and perhaps agriculture as well.

"Now that we have this increasingly detailed birds-eye view, we can start to become a more predictive science," she said. "Now we have the raw goods to ask interesting questions about why, for example, one trait evolves 10 times in this region of the tree but never over here. In terms of genetic engineering we're going to be able to provide some useful information to people who want to improve species, such as important crops."

In addition to Christin and Edwards, the paper's other authors at Brown were David Chatelet and Laura Garrison. Other authors were Colin Osborne of the University of Sheffield in the U.K.; J. Travis Columbus of Claremont Graduate University in California; Guillaume Besnard of the Universite Paul Sabatier-Ecole Nationale de Formation Agronomique in Tolouse, France; Trevor Hodkinson of Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland; and Maria Vorontsova of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Surrey, U.K.

The National Science Foundation (grants 0920147 and 0843231), the Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship (252568) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (10LABX-41) supported the research.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Brown University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. P.-A. Christin, C. P. Osborne, D. S. Chatelet, J. T. Columbus, G. Besnard, T. R. Hodkinson, L. M. Garrison, M. S. Vorontsova, E. J. Edwards. Anatomical enablers and the evolution of C4 photosynthesis in grasses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1216777110

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Leave a comment - Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney Blog | Arizona ...

The financial meltdown of 2008 brought about money struggles for people in a wide variety of situations. People with homes large and small lost them. Costs such as medical bills became overburdening for Americans young and old.

In particular, some older Americans made investments that turned out not to be as safe they were supposed to be. The result is that people who saved for retirement throughout their whole careers are now faced with an uncertain financial future. This situation is in large part the subject of a new novel by a Phoenix-area author who says he and his wife were the victims of a Ponzi scheme.

R.P. McCabe's book "Betrayed" is a fictional account of a retiring couple's financial fallout. While the characters in the novel are fictionalized, the story resembles McCabe's. He and his wife were set to retire in 2008, and they thought they were doing okay with a career's worth of good investments. Unfortunately, that wasn't exactly the case.

McCabe and his wife invested $1 million with two real estate companies in Phoenix. About 700 other investors did the same thing, putting in amounts ranging from $200,000 to millions. One retired investor reportedly lost $16 million.

According to McCabe, when 2008 came to a close, all of the money was gone. In total, the 700 investors lost over $100 million. Civil litigation ensued, but no criminal charges have yet been filed. Those whose investments disappeared claim they were the victims of a Ponzi scheme.

Sadly, McCabe said his personal financial crisis led to the destruction of his marriage. He and his wife had been together for 34 years. The stress of his struggle led to serious psychological problems, and to cope, he decided to interview 200 of the 700 jilted investors. That research serves as the basis of his novel "Betrayed."

Phoenix residents who are having financial difficulties need to know they are not alone. Money problems are a reality for Americans from every walk of life, but there are debt relief options for every situation.

Source: Daily Finance, "Life After a Ponzi Scheme: Victim Turns Million-Dollar Loss into Literature," Michele Lerner, Dec. 4, 2012


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Wednesday 26 December 2012

bedeck imploring: interment saran: charlesmurra8: Speed reading

23 Dec

I installed some speed reading apps and tested them. I?ve so far notices a few ?categories? or groups of equals:

  • One kind exists mostly from showing a text word by word in the middle of the screen. Showing each word a very short time and so you can read at a high wpm because you never need to move your eyes.
  • Another kind is merely a speed reading article disguised as app.
  • Another kind is no speed reading app but just a reading app with a fancy name.
  • Yet another kind is training in the form of news/actually.
  • And the last kind is a training app, not for your own stuff but purely for training.

I only tested them quickly and unions talked the non-interesting. But they aren?t quite what I?m looking for. Maybe I should write one myself for training and guided reading.

This entry was posted in Other and tagged Android, Self Improvement, Speed Reading. Bookmark the permalink.


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?Holy Grail? of cancer therapy: Researchers find way to protect ...

He and his colleagues at the NCI have identified a biochemical signaling pathway that can profoundly influence what happens to cancer cells and healthy when they are exposed to radiation. In experiments on mice have found that blocking a molecule called thrombospondin-1 binding to its cell surface receptor called CD47, has almost complete protection of normal tissues of both standard and high doses of radiation.?Dr. Isenberg and his team are looking at multiple strategies for the treatment of diseases of pulmonary hypertension, wound healing, sickle cell disease and heart attacks, on the basis of the block of the street thrombospondin-1/CD47,? he has said.

Isenberg, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Allergy and Critical, Pitt School of Medicine. But the radiation itself that kills the cancer cells can also destroy healthy cells, causing side effects such as nausea and vomiting, skin ulcers and rashes, and weakness and fatigue. The long-term exposure to radiation can lead to scar formation and death of normal tissue.

- 27 percent of married Americans and 33 percent of single Americans would consider cosmetic surgery for themselves, now or hereafter

Fears have been expressed that alternative approaches to healthy cells may inadvertently protect the tumor cells, said the lead author, David D. Roberts, Ph., NCI Center for Cancer Research. But, he added, ?in our experiments, suppression of CD47 robust delay regrowth of tumors in mice treated with radiation.?

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and the National Cancer Institute , part of the National Institutes of Health, perhaps in the wake of a Holy Grail of cancer therapy: They found a means not only to protect the health of the tissues against the toxic effects of radiotherapy, but also increase tumor death. The results appear today in Science Translational Medicine.

Researchers are already exploring the role of the signaling pathway in several other areas, said Mark Gladwin, MD, Chief, Division of Pitt Pulmonology, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine and Director of Vascular Medicine Institute, where Dr. Isenberg is a principal investigator.

?We almost could not believe what I see,? said Dr. Isenberg. The cells that may have died of radiation exposure remained viable and functional when pre-treated with drugs that interfere with the way which thrombospondin-1/CD47 ?.


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Sierra Nevada ski resort avalanche victim dies

TRUCKEE, Calif. (AP) ? A member of a Sierra ski resort's patrol team who was injured after being caught in an avalanche has died ? the second death connected to avalanches that occurred in the area on Monday.

Bill Foster, 53, died at Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno, Nev., where he was taken after the avalanche a day earlier at Alpine Meadows near Lake Tahoe, the resort said in a statement on Tuesday.

Resort spokeswoman Amelia Richmond said she did not know whether Foster, a 28-year veteran with the resort's ski patrol team, died Monday night or Tuesday.

Foster was buried in a slide that had been intentionally set with an explosive device by a senior member of the ski patrol team. The team was doing avalanche control in an area closed to the public on the back side of the resort.

The avalanche broke much higher and wider on the slope than in past snow safety missions, according to the resort.

Foster was located in about a minute and uncovered within eight minutes. Members of the ski patrol team performed CPR before he was taken to the hospital.

An avalanche at a neighboring Sierra resort on Monday also claimed a life. Steven Mark Anderson, 49, of Truckee, Calif. was buried in an avalanche while snowboarding at Donner Ski Ranch, about 90 miles northeast of Sacramento.

A search dog found his body under 2 to 3 feet of snow at the base of the avalanche.

Tahoe-area ski resorts received at least 3 feet of snow in a series of storms from Friday through Sunday, leading to dangerous conditions even within ski area boundaries.


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Tuesday 25 December 2012

Get Fast Business Lead With The Effective Website Development

Website design and web development are important parts of your business success. To create a professional and business leading website is the main aim of our business. We have more than 300 clients across the world and they are from various countries. Majority of clients are repeating who know or work and our commitments. We have never compromised with our quality. Our technical staff is completely dedicated to your work and you will not get any complaints during and even after the development of your project. We are expert IT consulting company for website design, website development, internet marketing, CMS development and hiring dedicated staff. Our clients are from Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, East Africa, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, U.A.E., Malaysia etc. We are Outsource Web Design center located in Rajkot, India. We are also Mobile Application development company and working for iPhone, iPad, Android, Symbian, Windows and Blackberry mobile app development

We have web designing experts for many fields like Web Designing, Custom Web Design, Business Logo Design, PSD to xhtml, E-commerce Website Redesign, Banner Designing, Advertising Brochure Designing, Outsource Website Design etc. With our innovative designing work we are also known as the most effective Web Design India Company. If you are the fresh visitor of our website then you can check our portfolio and also check what our existing and former clients tell about us. You will never get the fewer prices with committed work at the same time like we provide to our clients across the world. We have completed our project within the timeline decided by clients. We assign only particular experts for your website designing.

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Article Tags : Web Design India, Web Development India, Hire Web Designer, Outsource Web Design


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Improving Your Web Marketing Strategies Today - Maynas Eric

If you are searching for information about marketing on the Internet in a simple to read format, then the following article is a great starting point. You will reward about some great marketing strategies and some helpful tips that are simple to follow and easy to incorporate into your own business.

In your online advertising, use words such as ?special edition? or ?limited edition?. These phrases make it seem as though the items you are advertising are exclusive and only available for a limited time. These marketing techniques sometimes induce consumers to buy products.

A blog can bring your site higher traffic. It is vital that you keep your content fresh by posting on a regular basis. People are far more likely to revisit your site if they realize that they will see new content each time they view it.

TIP! Psychology research reports involving Internet marketing and website design may be worth your time to read. These psychological responses can greatly influence the way that site visitors connect with your brand.

Eye-catching graphics are an effective way to bring attention to the products and services on your website. Clients generally like to be able to see the product in detail so that they know what they are getting. Give your customers the option of sending in photos they?ve taken of your products. A ?Before & After? picture section is also very effective.

Internet promotion serves the ultimate purpose of problem recognition and solution. If you know how to start your business you will be better off. If you can resolve a problem for someone, he will purchase from you and let others know about it. That is just what you want to happen.

Direct marketing can also work if you know who to target and what they are looking for. Contact your customers by email, phone, or fax to tell them about services and specials. A lot of the information that is helpful to you can be found in the yellow pages, both online as well as the actual hard copy.

TIP! Studying HTML tagging procedure can enable you to employ more effective tags. HTML tags tell the search engine that this content is important.

Attract visitors to your site by offering up a valuable and relevant feature or service. Offer quality information such as articles, videos, pictures, podcasts, games and anything else your audience might be interested in. Providing a unique offer will get people excited about your site.

Consider customizing your site for different global locations. To do this, translate your website into several different languages so that it is understandable to a much broader range of people. This is a potent approach to increase global sales. A customer is more likely to purchase from your site if they can read it in their own language.

Post your customer?s comments in the comments section of your website. People enjoy reading what others have written about any product they are considering. This produces a sense of comfort for your customer, and ordering your product is more likely.

TIP! Be certain that the format of your website provides easily found links. Doing so will help visitors navigate your website, as your material will be simple to view and easy to manage.

It is important to research how people feel about your product or brand, specifically if you are promoting an online event or sale. As soon as you?ve initiated an online promotion or event, be sure to monitor the responses of people on forums and blogs. Once you see the feedback, use it to tweak your promotions and give the customers what they want.

Give something away to those visiting your website. A lot of people might be interested in getting a article on download. Homeowners may appreciate an article on home improvement tips if construction is your line of work. This can build credibility with your customers and let them see that you value their time.

A great Online marketing strategy is to create what is known as the customer relationship management database, or CRM. You can then use this database to identify who your customers are and what their purchase histories entail. You can use this to customize each communication with the customer that shows only things that they might be interested which helps them to purchase additional items.

TIP! When marketing your product, it is important that you have a FAQ. Offer answers about your products and solutions that will help.

You need to provide a portal for your visitors to interact with one another. This will give your website a friendlier feel as opposed to a place where they must send an email and wait for a reply. A forum gives you the opportunity to learn from your customers while allowing users to make important business contacts.

On your site, utilize lots of words that are rich and descriptive. People like adjectives, so use plenty of them throughout your site. Creatively use adjectives to surprise and impress visitors to your site. You should give them the desire to visit your website for your content!

Affiliate marketing differs from other types of marketing in some distinct ways. For instance: Search engines may stop focusing on title tags. If this happens, it will benefit you to put a lot of effort into something else, like a video marketing campaign that will reach a large viral audience.

TIP! Take a close examination of the quality of your company?s product or service. No amount of marketing can change a product that is faulty or otherwise inferior.

You should be very careful about the information you are giving customers when you are marketing a small business. Make your content useful and original. It is important to keep your site updated so that users will always have the newest information about your business.

Always have fresh, current content available on your site. Old material is of little use in these fast paced times. So, new content is king to both casual visitors to your site and to the search engine algorithms, which determine your ranking in the listings. Readers are attracted to a website that is updated frequently and easy to use.

Try thinking about what it is that your customers and possible customers expect when they arrive at your site. If you can provide what they want, your efforts will pay off tenfold. As well, ask people their real feelings about your website. Ask friends or family members about some of the things that you can improve. Make sure you do your research and develop a good website that your target audience will find enjoyable.

TIP! Think about using words such as ?simple? and ?easy? to describe your online marketing plans. Sometimes people can think that the products on your site are complicated, so when you add ?easy to use? people are more likely to buy these type of products.

In conclusion, these tips can help you begin with website marketing. We hope that you not only were able to learn something, but also will be able to apply it. It?s the type of advice that can not only build your brand, but also increase your profits.

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