Mondays mean more than just hangovers and piles of work in ye olde inbox around here; it means the start of another Android Central photo contest! This week we're going all out and asking you fine folks to snap a picture of the subject you know best -- yourself. Use that front facing camera, or do up a solid MySpace bathroom mirror shot, or get a friend to take your mugshot and share it with the world.
We're looking for creativity. Make us laugh, make us cry, or make us ohh and ahh over the awesome scenery behind you, but give us something a little extra. We're not about to hold a beauty contest here. Don't be shy, grab your Android phone (or tablet) and join in. Here's the rules:
- Use an Android device to take the picture.
- Send it to, along with a name we can use and the model of Android you used to take it. We like knowing this kind of stuff.
- If you send in more than one, or send me a link instead of an attachment, your entry gets filed in the trash folder, so don't do it. I hate it when I have to do that.
- Get me the pictures before the end of the night on Friday.
This week we're giving away an Android Central t-shirt to the top five, so the next time you take a self-portrait you'll look good rocking a little bit of Lloyd. Good luck everyone!

susan sarandon tampa weather motorola razr gilad annie hall jon lester mitchel musso
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